Kiramiga - beyond relocation started with a purpose on actively supporting international families in the area of Stuttgart concerning all areas of integrating into the German daily life.
Due to the pandemic we had to change our profile and started a new company supporting international families in the field of pregnancy and having a baby, being a new mom in Germany.
Find out more about Gravidamiga - pregnancy & babies.
Kiramiga & Press
Porträt Kiramiga & Gravidamiga / Startup Region Stuttgart
Start-up Region Stuttgart hat uns interviewt und wir freuen uns über das schöne Porträt. -
Kiramiga and Compass Relocation are teaming up!
Compass Relocation und Kiramiga haben neue Ideen und arbeiten in Zukunft Hand in Hand - warum und wie es aussehen kann? Erste Informationen im Newsletter von Compass. -
Aenne.Official - Instagram TV Video - Interview with Kira in German
Aenne - the Instagram Channel - BE VULNERABLE, BE BADASS, BE YOU -
Kiramiga Interview with Together Magazine
A feature of Kiramiga in the Together Magazine - edition 20/2019 - page 17- 19
You can download the magazine from their homepage - there are lots of interesting information also in the other magazine editions. -
Start-up Valley Interview English
Read about what KIRAMIGA is all about in English. -
Start-up Valley Interview Deutsch
Alles über KIRAMIGA im Interview mit Start-up Valley. -
YouTube Pitch Video - Female Founders Cup
Kiramiga in action - 3 minute video of the pitch at the Female Founders Cup. German, but worthwhile to see who we are.
In 3 Minuten erzählen wir von Kiramiga worum es uns geht. -
Ministerium Baden-Württemberg zum Female Founders Cup
Offizieller Presseartikel des Ministeriums Baden-Württemberg zum Female Founders Cup.
Official press coverage of the ministry of economics, Baden Württemberg. -
Best Practice Beispiel im Gründerblog des RKW BW
Eine Freundin zum Einleben / a friend to settle in.
Life of Expat Partners - Experiences and Opinions
New insights about the relocating spouse - from Kate
Kate did a brilliant sum-up of the InterNations Business Relation Study about relocating spouses - this reflects brilliantly the problems and concerns of relocation familie, spouses and Internationals and is the purpose of Kiramiga. Thank you Kate. -
Insiderwissen von Expatmamas (Jonna Struwe)
Vereinbarkeit von Entsendung und Familie - als Reaktion auf den Spiegel Artikel -
View on the skills, career possibilities and life of Expat Partners.

Kira Neumann, founder of Kiramiga
We at Kiramiga want to challenge the study that Germany is not the most welcoming country.
Having experienced life abroad for several years, we understand how difficult it can be setting up a new life in a different culture, especially if you don’t speak the language.
So we have created a Blog with useful tips and links to service providers to make your life easier.