Killesbergpark Stuttgart

Killesberg Höhenpark - Killesberg Hill Park in Stuttgart

- worth a visit any time of the year.

The Killesberg Hill Park is the green oasis with changing landscapes and multiple fountains in the middle of the city close to Pragsattel and Killesberg. Enjoy your relaxing day out enjoying all the parcs attractions.

Kids of all ages really love the area of the playground (also water playground in summer – so pack a change of clothes), which has a lot of different attractions. Pick your picknick spot close buy and enjoy the scenery.

Adjourned is a petting zoo with chicken, pigs, alpacas, goats and sheep and you can also find donkeys and ponies nearby. If you want to feed the animals, please buy the special food at the vending machine.

Children (and adults) also love the historical fair (Eliszi’s Jahrmarkttheater), which opens in spring every year. Take a ride on the historical merry-go-round and enjoy a fresh baked waffle.

To get an overview of the park you can take another historical ride. Since 1939 the little steam engine is running its rounds from April till October.

For the courageous amongst us (I do admit I am not) you can climb the Killesbergturm (Killesberg Tower). I did not make it all the way up – it is not only the height (merely 43 meters) but more that it is gently swaying… not a good combination for me – kids love it and usually do not care (except for having a good laught at Mom :-)

Hot summer days make the Killesberg Höhenfreibad (outdoor pool) a good option to relax and chill.

Pack you picknick basket or go to one of the restaurants (Höhencafe, Schwäbische Weinstube) in the area. We love the ice cream at Scholz am Park (they also do lactose-free).

Killersberg Hill Park is the perfect leisure destination for the whole family. 

Höhenpark Killesberg
Am Kochenhof 16
70192 Stuttgart


August 2019 Kira Neumann
This blog post is a personal recommendation and based on personal experience. It has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“

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