Waste Separation
Confused about the recycling and waste system in Germany? Here is an overview on what goes where for Stuttgart (but mostly applicable for Germany with slight regional differences).
Confused about the recycling and waste system in Germany? Here is an overview on what goes where for Stuttgart (but mostly applicable for Germany with slight regional differences).
In Germany you can save quite some money or receive some premiums simply by shopping using a bonus card.
Overview for 2021 in the Stuttgart Area.
There are just as many possibilities to do your shopping online in Stuttgart!
You can even support the local shops, because many offer regional delivery services.
Did you notice some yellow dust on your window sills, on your windows, you car and if you are living close to a birch (a tree with white bark) maybe...
When should I go for testing? COVID-19 In Berlin the Charité (a very big and famous hospital) has developed a questionnaire that should help to decide if you should go to...
In Germany the houses are usually well insulated and there is only little air exchange.
*****As vaccinations are a very sensitive and private topic, this blog post is just giving neutral information.
Coming to Stuttgart Area with lots of luggage - here a possibility to make it easier and enjoy your arrival.
A short overview on how the system in Germany works and where to apply in Stuttgart Area.