Money Presents in Germany

Presents - Money Gift Ideas

Christmas / Birthday / Party? In need of a present? 

Obviously Christmas is just around the corner, but there are more than just this celebration requiring some creativity for giving money as a present.

If you are invited to an important birthday party (30,40,50) or to another celebration (wedding) in Germany it is very common that the host will ask you for a donation as he/she/they is/are saving up for something bigger.
But just an envelope?

In Germany it is normal to make special presents with money.
It looks really nice and at the same time it is very personal, too. You can also kind of hide how much you give - but to be on the safe side you can also use coins - nobody will count them...

To learn more - her the link to a tutorial on YouTube:



December 2019 by Dr. Christine Krämer
This blog post is a personal recommendation and based on personal experience. It has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“

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