Schultüte - a German tradition for first graders

...wondering what the big and beautiful cones are all about?

A German tradition

Schultüte – literally school cone/bag is a very common & important tradition in Germany for first graders.

On their first day of school the children are given a large, colorfully decorated cardboard cone filled with school supplies, sweets, chocolate, little games  and other treats.


Originated in Eastern Germany around 1810 the old tradtion was that the Schultüten were hanging on a Schultütenbaum (Schoolconetree) to be picked by the respective student, or teacher when they were „ripe“ enough to go to school (i.e. on the first day).

Schultüten can be bought at any school supply shop but are very often crafted by parents, kids and Kindergarten teachers.


July 2019 Kira Neumann
This blog post is a personal recommendation and based on personal experience. It has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“

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