Titisee in the Schwarzwald

Schwarzwald - Titisee

A great region for day trips, holidays and weekend breaks & your very own cuckoo clock.


The Black Forest got its name from the oppressive canopy of evergreens looming above the forest floor. Home to elaborate cuckoo clocks , striking half-timbered houses, ruined castles and quaint towns, the Black Forest is a magical land full of cultural traditions. You can explore a lot with your family, with children or as a couple.

Black Forest National park

National parks are landscapes which are protected by maintaining the autonomy of the nature, permitting natural processes and creating refuge areas for plants and animals living in the wild. They are indispensable for the biodiversity and the large number of species of our planet.

The Black Forest National park was founded on January 1st, 2014 and is the first national park in Baden-Wuerttemberg. It encompasses 10,062 ha area and is situated on the main ridge of the Northern Black Forest between the scenic route Schwarzwaldhochstraße and the Murg Valley. It consists of two  separate individual areas about 3.5 kilometres apart from each other around Mt Ruhestein (7,615 ha) and Mt Hoher Ochsenkopf/Plättig (2,447 ha). The national park is located within the Black Forest Centre/North Nature park Black Forest Centre/North.

Nature reserve Feldberg

In 1937, the nature reserve Feldberg was established as the first nature reserve of Baden-Wuerttemberg. With a surface of 4,226 ha it is the largest nature reserve in the country where natural woods, mountain meadows rich in species, moors, waters and lots of other habitats are being protected. Due to its rough climate, but also due to the existence of numerous alpine animal and plant species, the Feldberg is called the "subalpine island in the low mountain range". These living beings are considered as relicts of the Ice Age, since they immigrated at the end of the last Ice Age and were able to survive to this date at specific places.

Favorite Places and Recommendations


Here you can explore the nature reserve with several great hiking tours (from easy to hard). There is a mountain railway with which you can go to the top of the Feldberg aera. The  Wichtelpfad (Gnome trail)is quite enchanting. It is fun to walk with your kids! A nice museum is also waiting to be visited.

Climbing and Jumping area Fundorena

The Fundorena near the Feldberg is a great place to have action and fun. They have got a jumping area, climbing traisls (indoor and outdoor), escape games, soccer area, indoor playground for toddlers. This place is really worth to visit. Make sure to bring anti-slip socks (can also be bought).


This sea is a typical lake in the black forest. Nicely located and worth a visit. A boat trip in the shadow of the forested mountains is just as much a must as the purchase of one or the other typical souvenir such as cuckoo clock or Black Forest ham, which the typical Black Forest shops offer. The round tour with the boat is a nice event for everyone or do you want to make a beautiful hike around the lake? Or a bath in summer? Click here for more information

Tatzmania Löffingen

This is a new zoo in the Black Forrest. Nice to visit and well done. There is a mixture of action (roller coaster, water slide, free fall tower) and interesting animals. And do not wonder if a monkey visits you face to face…. Direkt Link to Tatzmania


Another nice holiday park with animals to look and feed and nice slides. Here it is great to try different typs of summer toboggan runs! Fun for all. Direkt Link to the Steinwasenpark 

Schaubergwerk Hoffnungsstollen

To visit the 'Hope Tunnels ' mine in Todtmoos-Mättle is a real insider tipp . The mine is a worthwhile destination, especially for families. Magnetic ore was mined from this pit in open-cast mines until 1835 . The mine was abandoned in 1937 due to insufficient ore deposits. Here it is real action with walking trough the different tunnels. 

TIP for Bargains

You can explore so many nice places that some days are not enough! If you stay at a hotel or apartment where the Hochschwarzwaldkarte is included there are lot’s of places for free.
This is worth to look at!

Do not forget to buy your cuckoo clock - here is another blog post about just that.

Have fun in the beautiful Black Forrest!

June 2020  by Dr. Christine Krämer
This blog post is a personal recommendation and based on personal experience. It has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“ Credit to https://www.achensee.com/en/, picture credit: Kiramiga

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