Winter Playgrounds



Outside it is freezing, wet and just yuck, but your toddler just doesn’t sit still. You can either wrap them up in winter gear and face the outdoor playgrounds to tire them out OR you can go to one of many indoor winter playgrouds (do not confuse them with the big indoor playgrouds).

OPening times

These playgrouds have specific opening times and are usually organized by the local community (community centers, churches). Normally they are for free.
They roughly run from September till March depending on the institution – please check their dates & times on their webpage to be on the safe side.

What to bring

Also make sure to bring drinks/snacks and Schläppchen (gymastic slippers) or Anti-Rutsch Socken (non-slip socks).
Often there is a cafe, where you can buy yourself a hot beverage and some cake.

Overview of institutions

Please make sure to check out the websites or search online for the institution with Winterspielplatz.

Bethelkirche in Stuttgart-West (0-3 years) 

Ekidz in Stuttgart-West (0-6 years) 

Stadtteilhaus Stuttgart Mitte

Markusgemeinde in Stuttgart-Süd (0-3 years) 

Christliches Zentrum in Zuffenhausen (0-4 years)

St. Josef in Stuttgart- Ost (0-3 years)

Lukaskirche in Stuttgart-Ost (0-3 years)

Haus der Familie in Bad Cannstatt (0-6 years)

Begegnungskirche in Esslingen (0-3 years)

Haus der Familie Sindelfingen/Böblingen (0-3 years)

November 2018 Kira Neumann

This blog post is a personal recommendation and based on personal experience. It has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“ Picture credit: Kiramiga

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