Zillertal - an Austrian holiday region
A holiday region for young & old! Great for hiking (leisurely and high alpine tours) and other outdoor activities in Summer. In Winter it is a really great place to enjoy alpine and cross country skiing.
A holiday region for young & old! Great for hiking (leisurely and high alpine tours) and other outdoor activities in Summer. In Winter it is a really great place to enjoy alpine and cross country skiing.
Everywhere in Stuttgart, the nature becomes green and the fruit trees start to blossom . . .
Overview for 2021 in the Stuttgart Area.
We love skiing and to be on the safe side, here a quick reminder of the rules of conduct from the International Ski Federation: Respect for others A skier or snowboarder...
Interested in making your own? It is easier than you might think. But we also have great ready made wines you can buy.
A German Tradition which even most Germans do not know about.
Introduction of the most common brands in Germany to use, if you are conscious of the environment.
Are you into sustainability? Just looking for a more ecological way to shop? Are local products important to you? Are you into a plant based (Vegan) life-style? Check out zero-waste stores.
TIME TO SWIM And slpashThe pool and swimming seasons approaching, and one of the most popular things to do in Germany, is spending those days at one of the many...
There are just as many possibilities to do your shopping online in Stuttgart!
You can even support the local shops, because many offer regional delivery services.