Wellness & Sauna in Stuttgart - Part 3
Following our Blog Post Part #2 of this series – public saunas in Stuttgart area – here are more places to go to during the cold season.
Following our Blog Post Part #2 of this series – public saunas in Stuttgart area – here are more places to go to during the cold season.
Is there something better than a cosy evening or afternoon in a warm and comfortable place when it is raining outside? To go to one of Stuttgart’s wellness areas is...
Autumn- time for Wellness- time to have a good time in one of Stuttgart’s sauna worlds! When it is getting dark earlier and the temperatures are dropping, it is time for...
Indoor Playground in Germany - enjoy the fun and check out how it works & where to go.
AUTUMN FAIRS are coming up – Stuttgarter Messeherbst – a must go for people living in Stuttgart area From the 21st of November to the 24th the STUTTGARTER MESSEHERBST is on...
*****As vaccinations are a very sensitive and private topic, this blog post is just giving neutral information.
Nearly each area of Stuttgart has its own little farmers market. If you go there regularly it is a good way to meet people, interact with the sellers and the locals and practice your German.
Food, food and more food – are there any “Foodies” amongst you, ambitious cooks or just food lovers? Then this is the place to go - the Markthalle (market hall)...
Do you plan to do something special with your kids here in Stuttgart? Then you should not forget to go to the Wilhelma! Read more about the special features for children like the playgrounds...
Wilhelma is one of the most popular places in Stuttgart. Every year more than 1.